Server scaling revisited

The new server is beginning to grunt a little bit. It’s going 2,500,000 hits a day which included 500,000 page views. Bandwidth usage is fine at 430 GB a month out of 2,500 GB in the package (17% used). It’s the pageviews which are the problem because they generally involve quite a bit of processing.

I’m not sure if there’s a huge amount more wins on optimisation although every time I’ve looked at it I’ve found something to be done. For example, I’m not preparing any MySQL queries and there is more that could go into a cache. I also didn’t do the re-tuning exercise when we moved to MySQL 5.

On the other hand, the total cost of the server and bandwidth is as of now is going to pan out at about 5% of advertising revenues so I’m not too bothered as long as we can scale linearly from this point.

I am certainly not going to change the mail server IP again though. It took months to restore mail service everywhere after the move.

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