Passionate users

It may seem obvious that a sex dating site has passionate users but I’m thinking about the passion in the sense of passion for the site.

In How Not To Die Paul Graham says that “As long as you’ve made something that a few users are ecstatic about, you’re on the right track”.

We’ve got a great core of passionate users now, some people regularly log onto the site first thing in the morning and stay on all day. Other people are actively promoting the site to people they know which is getting us 50 new members a day at the moment. One member of the site has even designed and produced her own Fab Swingers promotional leaflets which she’s handing out at swingers clubs! Another member has told me that they’ve been banned from a pay site for promoting Fab Swingers.

I feel delighted and also a little humbled that people feel so strongly about the site that they’re willing to work so hard.

I think that this is secret weapon that will result in us eventually winning against the expensive pay sites, they may out spend us but they don’t understand how to put a community together.

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